EfficiencySpring has several site-wide settings that you can update via the Update Site-Wide Settings administrative screen. From this screen, it is possible to set all of the settings for each supported run mode (Development, Test, Production), as well as settings pertinent to all run modes. Below is a description of each setting.
Run Mode Settings
EfficiencySpring uses the URLs setting to determine which run mode it is operating in. For example, if the site in IIS is running under the www.mysite.com URL, and that URL is listed in the URLs Development setting, then EfficiencySpring will determine it is running in Development mode. Multiple fully-qualified URLs can be specified; they need to be separated by a semi-colon, such as:
Site Name
The name of the site that appears in the browser's title bar.
Primary Database Connection String
This setting stores the connection string the codebase uses to connect to the EfficiencySpring database. The connection string can be in SQL Server, OLEDB, or ODBC format.
Windows Search Service
A connection string to a Windows Search service. When specified, the search capability in File Manager sections is expanded to include full-text searching of supported files, as well as display of extended attributes.
For backward compatibility, a connection string to Windows Indexing Service can also be specified, although the number of extended attributes displayed will be limited.
Active Directory Connection String
The Active Directory connection string, such as "LDAP://DC=mydomain,DC=com", which if specified, is used to automatically look up users in Active Directory, and create/update user accounts in EfficiencySpring based on the found information.
SharePoint Group Authentication Key
This setting stores a group authentication key that can be passed into the site's SharePoint group authentication page, along with a user's full name.
SMTP Server
Used to specify the name or IP address of the SMTP server that EfficiencySpring can use to send mail from.
Stores the port number used to connect to the SMTP server.
Email Redirect Address
If specified, every outgoing email from the EfficiencySpring installation will be redirected to the specified email address. This setting is useful for testing email functionality.
Aspose Suite Licensing File
The Windows path and file name of the licensing file used to unlock the Aspose component suite, which is utilized by the platform for chart, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Word output. The path for this setting can be a full Windows path or a virtual site path.
ReCAPTCHA Public Key
The long character key that Google issues for ReCAPTCHA use, based on the domain of the implementing organization. This key is used in the ReCAPTCHA JavaScript.
ReCAPTCHA Private Key
The long character key that Google issues for ReCaptcha use, based on the domain of the implementing organization. This key is used by EfficiencySpring's servers-side code when communicating with ReCaptcha's servers.
Central File Upload Folder
The path of the folder that handles temporary file operations (xml caching, image snapshots, etc...). The path for this setting can be a full Windows path or a virtual site path.
Webmaster Email Address
The email address utilized as the "From" address for most outgoing site emails.
eCommerce Orders Address
The email address that will receive ecommerce fulfillment notices to.
Company Name
The name of the company that has licensed the EfficiencySpring platform.
Registration Keys
A list of the site's registration keys separated by a semi-colon; one key is specified for each URL that has been configured.
Security Settings
Minimum Password Length
Indicates the minimum length allowed for passwords created by users.
Passwords Require Special Characters
Indicates the passwords created by users must include special characters.
Passwords Require Capital Letters
Indicates that passwords created by users must contain at least one capital letter.
Passwords Require Letters and Numbers
Indicates that passwords created by users must contain both letters and numbers.
Password Expiration (In Days)
Determines how many days a user can use their password before they are required to change it after login.
Temporary Password Expiration (In Minutes)
Determines how many minutes the password contained in a "Send Me My Password" email will be valid for logins.
Universally Allowed File Extensions (Semicolon-Delimited)
Determines the file extensions that are universally allowed for display and upload within the EfficiencySpring installation. Individual File Manager sections can build onto this list.