Below is a checklist of all the checks that the Section Configuration Diagnostics tool makes. Using it proactively can reduce configuration errors getting into Production environments.
High Level Checks
Checks to make sure a section is not set to its own navigation parent.
Checks to make sure section paths do not end end "/", with the exception of the root section
Checks to make sure section paths correspond to actual Windows folders.
Checks to make sure Content Manager sections have their table name set to "content".
Checks to make sure File Manager sections have their table name set to "file_manager".
Checks to make sure Process Manager sections have their table name set to "pms_instance".
Checks to make sure Commerce Manager sections have their table name set to "ec_product".
Checks to make sure Survey Manager sections have their table name set to "tsurvey_taken".
Checks to make sure there are not multiple records in the group_rights table containing the same group_id, section_id combination.
Content Manager Checks
Checks to make sure Content Manager sections have at least one user group setup with Approval rights.
Data Manager Checks
Checks to make sure sections have valid View Names specified.
Checks to make sure sections have valid Table Names specified.
Checks to make sure sections with Duplicate Checking turned on have at least one Duplicate structure element configured.
Checks to make sure sections with Duplicate Checking turned on have all of their Duplicate structure elements configured as Add strsucture element too.
Checks to make sure sections have one and only one structure element set to be the Page Title.
Checks to make sure sections have one and only one structure element set to be the Primary Key Field.
Checks to make sure that every structure element set to be the Primary Key Field is numeric.
Checks to make sure the Primary Key field is not setup as an Add or Edit structure element.
Checks to make sure sections with Search rights enabled have at least one Search structure element configured.
Checks to make sure sections with Search gights enabled have at least one Results structure element configured.
Checks to make sure sections with Add rights enabled have at least one Add structure element configured.
Checks to make sure sections with Edit rights enabled have at least one Edit structure element configured.
Checks to make sure sections with Import rights enabled have at least one Import structure element configured.
Checks to make sure sections with Export rights enabled have at least one Export structure element configured.
Checks to make sure sections with Export rights enabled have all of their Result fields also configured as Export fields.
Checks to make sure sections with Report rights enabled have at least one Report structure element configured.
Checks to make sure sections with Report rights enabled have all of their Result fields also configured as Report fields.
Checks to make sure structure elements configured with a Lookup Table also have the Lookup Value Field and Lookup Display Field configured.
Checks to make sure lookup structure elements have a valid Lookup Table specified.
Checks to make sure lookup structure elements have a valid Lookup Value Field specified.
Checks to make sure lookup structure elements have a valid Lookup Display Field specified.
Checks to make sure lookup structure elements have a valid Lookup Order Field specified.
Checks to make sure lookup structure elements have a valid Lookup Condition specified.
Checks to make sure lookup structure elements have a valid Group By Field specified.
Checks to make sure structure elements do not have Field Names that start with numbers.
Checks to make sure structure elements do not have Field Names that contain spaces.
Checks to make sure structure elements do not have a greater field size configured than is supported in the database.
Checks to make sure structure elements have Field Types that match the data type within the database.
Checks to make sure structure elements have Decimal Place configurations that match the decimal places allowed in the database.
Checks to make sure each database field is represented not more than once on the Add Page.
Checks to make sure each database field is represented not more than once on the Edit Page.
Checks to make sure each database field is represented not more than once on the View Page.
Checks to make sure each database field is represented not more than once on the Search Page.
Checks to make sure each database field is represented not more than once on the Results Page.
Checks to make sure each database field is represented not more than once on the Import Page.
Checks to make sure each database field is represented not more than once on the Export Page.
Checks to make sure each database field is represented not more than once as a Duplicate Check field.
Checks to make sure each database field is represented not more than once as a Report Field.
Section Tree Checks
Checks to make sure all host structure elements configured in section trees exist.
Checks to make sure all host structure elements configured in section trees have "SubSection" structure types.
Checks to make sure all host structure elements configured in section trees are not enabled as Add fields if they have a Drilldown display type.
Checks to make sure all child structure elements configured in section trees exist.
Checks to make sure all child structure elements configured in section trees for use in Drilldown display types are also setup as Add and Edit structure elements. Checks to make sure all child structure elements configured in section trees for use in Inline display types are also setup as Add, Edit, and View structure elements. Checks to make sure all lookup structure elements configured in section trees exist.
Checks to make sure all lookup structure elements have a Display Options Table, Display Options Field, and Display Options Value defined.
Checks to make sure all lookup structure elements are configured as Export fields if Export rights are enabled for the section.
Checks to make sure all lookup structure elements are configured as Import fields if Import rights are enabled for the section.
File Storage Checks
Checks to make sure sections that have "File" structure elements configured have a File Manager Storage section specified.