
Bulls-Eye Section Creator

The Bulls-Eye Section Creator allows you to create a nested set of Data Manager sections, complete with auto-created SubSection structure elements and Section Tree branches. To benefit from this tool, the following criteria should be true:

  • Each involved table has a primary key field configured in SQL Server. The name of the primary key field should be unique.
  • Each involved table that will be a child section must have a foreign key field that matches the name of the parent table's primary key field.

The tool can be utilized in only a few steps. To create a set of new sections:

  1. Select a Connection String from the drop-down box. The available tables within the right list will refresh.
  2. First, drag the table that will be at the top of the section structure to the center of the three-circle diagram. Make sure you're mouse pointer is over the center when dragging.
  3. Drag any tables that are children of the top table into the Level 2 area. Tables dragged into the "Drilldown" half will be able to have children tables themselves.
  4. Drag any tables that are children of the Level 2 tables into the Level 3 area.
  5. An editable row will have been created underneath the circular interface for each table. Type in the Section Name, Section URL, and Menu Name desired for each new section.
  6. Click "Execute". Once all of the sections have been created, you will be redirected to the section administrative screen of the top section.

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