
ID Management

EfficiencySpring contains database tables with and without auto-incrementing primary keys. Tables with primary keys that are not auto-incrementing are usually controlled by EfficiencySpring's ID management capabilities. The platform contains a database table called ID_Table, which maintains a list of other database tables, their primary keys, and each one's last issued ID value.

On the front screen of the ID Management tool, there's a grid that displays each table managed by the ID Table, the highest primary key value in the actual database table, and the value stored in the ID table. In all circumstances, the Value In the ID Table should never be less than the Highest Value in Table. This type of ID mis-sync can occur if the actual database table has an influx of new records that were not handled by EfficiencySpring directly.

At the bottom of the grid is a link titled Correct Under-Valued IDs. This link, when clicked, will insure the ID for each Value In the ID Table is not lower than the primary key value in the actual database table. As a safety precaution, this link should be clicked after every data migration involving a database that the EfficiencySpring installation is configured to work with.

The second link, Correct All IDs, completely equalizes the two values, allowing the Value in ID Table ID to be reduced if necessary. While useful during the development stages of a project, this link should be used with care, as it might cause IDs to be reused within EfficiencySpring if records in database tables being managed are deleted prior to the link being clicked.

Working with tables outside the EfficiencySpring database

For each database table record in the ID Management tool, an External Connection can be specified. This indicates the database table is not inside the EfficiencySpring database and is part of another database. External Connections can be setup in the Lu_Db_Connection database table.

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