Online Store
If your site needs to support online commerce, EfficiencySpring can help. It ships with an online store, as well as strong administrative tools for configuring products, multiple pricing levels, product attributes, and shipping options. Submitted orders are sent via email for fulfillment, and are also stored in the EfficiencySpring database for review and metrics tracking.
Pricing Options
For each product, you will be able to configure pricing options based on groups users belong to and the quantities of products they order. Pricing levels can be easily activated and disabled to allow for temporary promotions and sales.
Attribute Mappings
Within EfficiencySpring, you will be able to setup a list of attributes that can be freely mapped to products. These attributes are searchable within each online store section, allowing you to support a wide-variety of product types, such as books, apparel, ticket sales, etc...
Delivery Settings
Multiple delivery services can be configured within EfficiencySpring, becoming available to users once they reach a cart amount threshold. Once users have filled up a cart, they can select both a billing and shipping address from the addresses stored in their profile, select a shipping option (if any of the purchased products required shipping), and then finalize the checkout.